Sunday, March 20, 2011

Public Smoking Bans in Canada

In addition to the federal Tobacco Act, which regulates the manufacture, sale, labelling and promotion of tobacco, each province has its own set of laws that address, among other issues, smoking in public places. Provincial that restrict smoking in public places help non-smokers breathe easier; reduce overall smoking behaviour; generate increased public awareness about tobacco issues; and help to change social norms related to smoking.

The number of provinces and territories that are restricting smoking in public places continues to grow, as more and more Canadians are realizing that second-hand smoke- also known as passive smoke or environmental tobacco smoke - is too damaging to ignore. Exposure to second-hand smoke can cause health problems such as lung cancer, heart disease, asthma and strokes.

Public Smoking Ban in Ontario

The Smoke-free Ontario Act, prohibits smoking in all public places and workplaces across the province effective May 31, 2006. The Act also prohibits smoking in vehicles used for work, in reserved seating at open-air stadiums, and in underground parking. In addition, the Act gives shopkeepers until 2008 to remove large behind-the-counter displays of cigarettes.

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