Smoking during pregnancy results in serious risks for both the woman and the fetus. Cigarette smoking by pregnant girls and women has been shown to increase risks of complications in pregnancy and to cause serious adverse fetal outcomes including low birth weight, still births, spontaneous abortions, decreased fetal growth, premature births, placental abruption, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
How are unborn babies affected?
1. Smoking can be dangerous for babies before they are born. Nicotine, carbon monoxide and other chemicals in tobacco smoke are passed on to the baby through the placenta.1
2. Nicotine increases a baby's heart rate and breathing movements. Some of the chemicals passed on through the mother's blood are known to cause cancer.2
3. During pregnancy, smokers have a greater risk of miscarriages. During the birth, they are more likely to have complications.3 The chances of a baby's dying at birth or shortly thereafter are increased if the mother has smoked during pregnancy.
4. Babies of women who smoked or were exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke during pregnancy are, on average, smaller at birth than babies of non-smoking mothers. Smoking mothers give birth to infants who weigh about 150 grams less at term than non-smokers. Babies born with a lower-than-average birth weight are more likely to get infections and have other health problems.
5. A clear relationship exists between the number of cigarettes smoked during pregnancy and a slowdown in the growth of the fetus. These babies are more prone to perinatal complications, illnesses and death.
Side-effects: Newborns
1. Later in life, children of mothers who smoked during prenancy have a greater chance to be a bit shorter than other children on average. In additon, these chldren may have more diffculty with reading and mathematics.
2. Nursing mothers who smoke can pass along harmful chemicals from cigarettes to their babies in breast milk.
Parental Smoking
1. Children exposed to tobacco smoke tend to cough more during the night, due to long-time exposure to tobacco smoke.
2. Children of parents who smoke are more likely to suffer from astma and other respiratory infections.